with Michael E. Hughes lab and Karyn Esser labView the database at
The Hughes (UMSL) and Esser (Univ. of Kentucky School of Medicine) labs are assembling a database of muscle tissue gene expression in mice. Our purpose is to survey the diversity of transcription in skeletal muscle (with exemplar smooth and cardiac muscles for comparison), and provide a resource for the field as a whole.
In this repository, we’re developing a web-based platform to explore, visualize, and share these data build on a Shiny dashboard.
Read the paper.
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If you want to develop a data exploration tool similar to MuscleDB, check out our paper on ExpressionDB.
Adapting MuscleDB
Anyone is welcome to freely use and adapt both the raw data as well as the Shiny code used to generate the site and data visualizations under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. We do ask that you cite ExpressionDB: An open source platform for distributing genome-scale datasets. Laura D. Hughes, Scott A. Lewis, Michael E. Hughes, PLOS One, 2017.